Semi-Finalist in National Awards for Charitable Contributions
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Semi Finalist

Coast business now a semi finalist in national awards for giving away money!

the branding office

A fresh $5 note, a coffee cup and a pledge to pay it forward has earned Sunshine Coast based branded merchandise company, The Branding Office, a semi-final spot in the 2020 Australian Promotional Products Association Awards for Promotional Excellence.

One of three finalists in the Self-Promotional Product category for it’s Kind July promotion, the region’s leading promotional products business will find out via a live online link up in the coming weeks if they have been successful in winning their second national award in three years.

The Branding Office’s winning campaign was based on a pledge, through the Kind July website to do 100 acts of kindness and they enrolled a brilliant branded merchandise campaign to help.

The concept was simple, lets pay it forward.

Owners of The Branding Office, Justin and Jodi Veivers selected some of their best clients and random businesses around Australia to receive a special gift to get the office talking.

“We think everyone wants to do the right thing, but sometimes we get busy and the world passes us by. We decided to kickstart Be Kind in July with a pay it forward campaign” said Justin Veivers the owner of The Branding Office.

The Branding Office literally delivered random acts of kindness by sending out hundreds of fresh $5 notes with a branded Coffee Cup and some tips on how to pay it forward.

“We had so much fun coming up with the tips with what you could do with your 5’er and the promotion was so well received. It’s an honour to be nominated as a semi finalist considering how many great concepts we were up against.” Jodi said.

The self-promotion campaign crashed through any barriers and gave The Branding Office immediate credibility with clients.

The Kind July campaign, whilst not having a direct call to action, delivered incredible sales, but also powerful brand awareness.

The Branding Office was named National winner for the Not for Profit category in 2018 for work with the Daniel Morcombe Foundation.

